Sunday, February 21, 2010

Creating my list!

I am going to create a list of things that I want to do in my life. All things, big and small. The order I write them in won't reflect the order they need to be done in. But I hope this will help me focus on how I want to live my life and what I want to accomplish. Maybe make me a happier person??? Who knows!! But I sure hope so. (: First thing on my list?????????? Wait and see!! Because I'm sure it will be entertaining!!! AND a beautiful reflection of my life. (:
I can hear the shower...
Dad is sleeping on the couch...
Mom is at work...
Could it be?
Coby is taking a shower without being told and without a special occasion! It's a beautiful day indeed folks. (:
You can't tell me otherwise.

WORST first blog EVER!!!

My family was miraculously intact for so long.. Sure, we were dysfunctional, crazy, and obnoxious. But most of us were still around, happy, loving. In the course of a week I feel as though we have been ripped apart, torn and shredded. We still have each other, but we are no longer intact. We will change. We have lost too many to stay the same. Some will be bitter. Some won't recover. There will be laughter, tears, screams, and silence. But never again will life be as it was. Not with so many taken so suddenly from our midst....
{This blog should have been posted on February 11th. I've been busy.}