This cruise was beautiful. A little chilly, but super super gorgeous. So much fun. It was very odd being waited on all the time! I didn't have to do anything for myself. Great for lazy old me. (:
The first stop was in Juneau. It was drizzly, breezy. We took a tour that took us through town and to the Mendenhall Glacier. It was huge! And there were a couple spots that were a beautiful deep blue.. Like something else. (; But we'll talk about that later.. I didn't see any awesome wildlife, but there was a lot of salmon streams, which were kinda cool. When we finished with the tour we ate in a restaurant/bar called Hangar on the Wharf. We all got halibut and fries(except Coby) and it was DELICIOUS!! Fresh fish by the ocean. Definitely something all fish-lovers should experience.
I feel like I'm missing a day.. Anyway.. We'll talk about Glacier Bay, that's the next day I remember haha. There were a couple channels with gooorgeous glaciers in there. My mom and I got to see the biggest one calving. Awesome white thunder. (: Then I went off for my pedicure, which was fabulous. Lorna was a magical woman! Made my bee sting feel much better, oddly enough. Super awesome.
In Sitka, we had the most beautiful weather they've had all season. Didn't need to wear my jacket. It was a small town, way fun to explore. Lots of fun with the fam. (:
Ketchikan wasn't too special.. A lot like Juneau, without the rain. We went on a fun tour there. We were supposed to see bears but we didn't. ): If I'm remembering right, that was Wednesday night.. The magical one. (: I went to the Crows Nest with a few kids I have met, and he was there. Brandon. Amazing. He asked me to dance, and it just got better from there. (: (: (: We went to the hammocks and stayed there til just before the sun came up! We didn't mean to, but with the time change, that's just how it worked out. Then we went back to the room he was sharing with his cousins(whom I had already met) and fell asleep for a couple hours in his bed. We hung out part of that day, and he came to see a comedian with me and my parents. That night we docked in Victoria(which I didn't much enjoy) and I was on shore for about an hour. Later I went to the boys' room and hung out with Brandon and his cousin Mikael. I think I spelled that right.. Anyway, Brandon was too tired to go dancing again, and so was I. I ended up falling asleep with him again. Aaaaall night. Best nights I had on that cruise were with him. He was the sweetest, most romantic guy I've ever met. He was so fantastic. He made me feel like the most special girl on the face of the planet. And I really had a lot of fun.
So I think that's most of my cruise. I'm too tired to get more in, but I'm sure I will eventually.
Oh! And I would recommend this cruise- fantastic! Just not a lot for kids. Coby was mostly bummed. He still had fun though.
So that's it for now. I hope it satisfied. I'll try to answer any questions.. For the most part. (: Ta!
P.S.- this is a super secret photo, you must keep it in your heart and take it to the grave! Just kidding. (: Sorta.. (:
That sounds awesome! Brandon sounds awesome and im glad you had fun! me jealous :( :D