Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Love Deserves Respect."

It sooo does.
2010 Allies Dinner was beautiful. I teared up, many times. I laughed, I gasped, I ate. I met wonderful, beautiful people I have been waiting and waiting and hoping and hoping to meet. I had so much fun! The people there really truly care about what they're doing. There were no stuck up snobs looking down at me- unless of course I didn't see them. 1,560 people, there's no way I met every one.
And seriously, 1,560!!! That is so beyond fantastic! This dinner is just getting bigger! And it will continue to grow, until even the Grand Ballroom at the Salt Palace can't contain us. I have some serious faith in these people.
For those of you who don't know: The Allies Dinner was organized by a group called Equality Utah. They do sooo much, but a big part is gaining rights for the LGBT community in Utah. And they're doing it! And they will continue to do it!! And I'm SO EXCITED to be part of it!!!
I loved every moment of last night. It was so inspirational, so motivational, so damn right that there's no way it could have not touched my heart and soul! If you support this cause(and you should!) then go next year! Save up now, plan ahead, get ready, 'cause here they come!
I would like to tell you for just a second about the people in this beautiful organization. They work, around the clock, to help other people. They are doing their best to make sure there isn't another sad story, there isn't another reason to cry, there is no more misery. They want that day in the future, where this fight is so far in the past that no one remembers what it was about, to be tomorrow! Today! Yesterday! And so do I!!
My favorite might have been Dustin Lance Black. He was stunning. When he bore his testimony, of what he knew to be true, right, and good, I thought I might lose it. He used to be Mormon. And he accepted himself. And he's so wonderful. Hearing him talk.. You could tell he was made to be in front of people. (Seen Milk? Look it up.) He was so compelling, so earnest. He really believes in this work. It's awesome(in the awe sense) to see that sort of passion. Passion is what these people live on. Seeing that passion light up those faces.. True love. I was astonished at what I saw and heard last night. I have been changed, possibly forever. Hopefully forever. I already can't wait for next year.
Thank you, EU. All you wonderful people who set that up, I'm sure you knew what you were doing. And I commend you for it.

1 comment:

  1. that's amazing that so many people in Utah of all places support gay rights, one of my friends is Mormon and believes all of the things except how they feel about gays, i think it is amazing that she can take a step back and say ok, i believe in this, but not this. I think its amazing how many people support this cause! :)
