Friday, April 16, 2010


Blah to your face!!! It's a friday night. I got off work at six, came home and got ready, and went to a wedding reception. (Which, by the way, are all depressing. Just so you know.) Now I am sitting on the computer while my family is out, bored out of my mind and all alone. So I thought, hey, why not write something on my blog?? It's only been forever!!!! But ya know? It's not as entertaining as I had hoped it would be...
GAH!!! I left my story at work!!! Fiddlesticks... I started writing a story on the back of my mailing list tracker so all that paper wouldn't be wasted. And it was a really good story, too! Now someone is probably going to throw it away, and I won't have it anymore. ): Very sad day indeed.
Guess what? I don't like not having plans. It really kinda sucks. I'm a very social person (big surprise there! :P), and being home alone with nothing to do really just doesn't appeal to me... Ha.
Once upon a time.....
Nah, no story I guess. I don't feel like using my creative juices to cure boredom on my blog.
Oh Oh Oh!! I cut my leg today! Shaving, go figure. :P I'm real good at that- the skinning myself alive thing, I mean. Ha!!
I.. Have.. My.. Driver's license!!! (Technically driver's license should have been in two separate sentences, considering the pattern I was following, but I decided that would be anti-climatic and, quite frankly, a little dumb.) Now I am just waiting on proof of insurance to come in the mail, and I'm legal. Watch out drivers of West Jordan and the surrounding area! I'm LEGAL!!!!!! :D Absolutely thrilled, as well. In case you couldn't see that for yourself. (I don't know, maybe you really couldn't!!! I'm not ruling anything out.)
La de freakin da...
Maybe I'll go watch a movie.