Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gives Me Hope.

At work, a guy was buying some vinyl. 10 yards at 12.99/yard. No coupon, and it wasn't on sale. That's quite the chunk of change if you ask me. He got his card out and was ready to swipe, when a lady that was in line walked up and handed him her coupon. She told him she would only have saved a couple of dollars, and he could use it more than she could. So we used the coupon, and it saved him just over fifty dollars. He finished paying, and turned to the lady.
"What can I do for you?" He asked her.
She smiled and replied, "Not much, sir." The guy left, and I rang up the woman. She was very polite, but she didn't seem to understand why it was such a big deal to me. I honestly think she just felt anyone would do the same. And all I could think, as she walked out the door, was this:
Karma smiles on you.

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